ATTENTION: FREE Challenge Starting In...

6Days 13Hours: 19Minutes

ATTENTION: FREE Challenge Starting Monday

Heal Your Heart From Past Wounds, Reconnect, And

Embrace The Truth Of Who You Are

With Love-Filled And Easy 

Guided Practices

(Even if You Doubt Your Ability to change
or You Think You've Tried Everything)

Join The FREE Challenge - Starting Monday!

Heal From Past Wounds

And Unlock Your Authentic Self

With Love-Filled And Easy

Guided Practices

(Even if You Doubt Your Ability to Change)

Keep Reading if You're Feeling:

  • ​Stuck and Unfulfilled
  • ​Anxiety, Depression and Overwhelm
  • A Longing for Fulfillment, Purpose and Impact
  • ​Disconnected and Lonely in This World
  • ​It Is Time to Shift Self Sabotaging Behaviors /Detox
  • Craving to Release Old Traumas, Losses and Wounds
  • A Desire to Reconnect With Your Soul
  • ​​Longing to Heal Your Relationships With Self and Others

Keep Reading if You're Feeling:

  • ​Stuck and Unfulfilled
  • ​A desire for a better life
  • ​​Disconnected and Lonely in This Worlds
  • ​​Experiencing Self Sabotaging Behaviors
  • ​Unworthy and Unmeaningful
  • ​Separateness from your own soul, our Creator, nature and others
  • ​​​Anxiety, depression, fatigue and overwhelm

Deep down, you know there's something missing in your life.

Maybe you are experiencing a sense of disconnection, unworthiness, or just feeling unfulfilled. And I get it.

This can be manifested in your life as:

  • ​Anxiety and overwhelm
  • ​Emotional and physical struggles
  • ​​Lack of energy​
  • ​​Feeling Unlovable
  • ​​Feeling Unacceptable or That You're not Enough

And let's face it. You've been longing for something more in your life. Maybe you have even been experiencing a "dark night of the Soul"...

The daily routine, the unfulfilled dreams, and the constant nagging feeling of settling for mediocrity have taken their toll. And I understand you.

A feeling like you're stuck in 'survival mode'... That you're just surviving, not thriving. You were born to LIVE!! Not to struggle with the same patterns year after year for 75 years and call that a life.

You are meant to love, to BE love and to experience the calling of your Soul! You have been anointed and appointed for a uniquely divine path that only YOU can fulfill...

Just Imagine For A Moment

Imagine waking up just seven days from now and feeling a shift in your Soul as you open your heart to living the life of your dreams. Close your eyes and picture it.

How would it look? How would it feel? Can you sense the incredible energy surging through your body?

Even love radiating from within you to the hearts around you and beyond! Shifting the collective consciousness on this planet...helping Humanity, the Earth and all living beings elevate their love vibration...restoring compassion, connection and unity.

Imagine yourself feeling light, vibrant, confident, and even more centered in your heart. More connected to who you truly are and to the loving force that created you!

See, I know it's difficult. Many people struggle with this.

And that's super common. In fact...

Studies have shown that individuals who have experienced past traumas and/or those who are highly sensitive or empathic carry emotional and energetic blockages are more likely to struggle with weight issues, anxiety, depression, and a sense of disconnect from their own hearts and the world around them due to suppression, overwhelm and being ungrounded...a deep need for healing the inner child and the wounded self.

And I Totally Understand You

Hi, my name is Nancy, and I completely understand what you are going through.

For the last 25 years, I've been helping several thousands of people from all over the world liberate themselves from past trauma, losses, self sabotaging patterns and resentments...

To live fully and deeply as their truly authentic selves! My passion is to guide you to accept, embrace and expand your truth as you fully embrace your humanity and your divinity...

And YES... Even the parts of you that you think are unlovable, shameful or weird...will no longer be rejected by you.

Knowing that you are loved, lovable and you are more than enough! Once you shift your relationship with yourself and step into wholeness, your life heals and you can THRIVE!

What I found is that everyone, just like you, can accomplish miracles with the right guidance...after all, you ARE a miracle already!!

And when you heal your heart, connect with your Soul and become whole again... You have a greater impact on the lives around you, in your purpose and passion.

  • ​Skeptical
  • Hesitant
  • ​Overwhelmed

I totally get it.

You have been promised similar things in the past, but...

Chances are that if you are reading this, you are still seeking a better way and your heart is open to new things...

You may think you have tried everything, but you likely haven't tried THIS...and it is FREE!!! I also believe in are here, reading this, for a reason.

It's YOUR time to RISE

You know that there's a fire within you, a desire to break free and embrace your true already have all that you need within you now!

It is time to release the blocks, peel back the layers, forgive, let go and liberate the shackles of the past from your Soul...

It is time for you to be FREE and to live in the TRUTH of who you truly are!

The world needs you! You matter...your voice matters...your life matters! And I believe in you. Do not live with regrets at the end of your not die with the love and dreams within you that are longing to be expressed and expanded!

You are a miracle...your heart beats with purpose and your breath is beaming lifeforce through you from the highest Source of Love and Creation!

This is a MOVEMENT...not merely a challenge. Together, one Soul at a time...LOVE is our NEW global pandemic!!

I would love to show you the way to your inner peace!

A way without struggle.

Without needless pain...but the ability to "feel to heal".

A way to elevation of your mind, expansion of your heart and liberation of your Soul!

It's a shame that you continue suffering and feeling alone or disconnected, when there are proven methods that I will share with you.

I want to give back and help end needless suffering, struggle and disconnection in our world and I want it to be FREE so everyone can access it!

That's exactly why I created...

Deep down, you know there's something missing in your life. 

Maybe you are experiencing a sense of disconnection, unworthiness, or just feeling unfulfilled. And I get it.

This can be manifested in your life as:

  • ​Anxiety and Overwhelm
  • Emotional and Physical Struggles
  • ​Lack of Energy​
  • ​Feeling Unlovable, Alone, Fearful and Depleted
  • ​Feeling Unacceptable or That You're not Enough

And let's face it. You've been longing for something more in your life. Maybe you have even been experiencing a "dark night of the Soul"...

The daily routine, the unfulfilled dreams, and the constant nagging feeling of settling for mediocrity have taken their toll. And I understand you.

A feeling like you're stuck in 'survival mode'... That you're just surviving, not thriving. You were born to LIVE!! Not to struggle with the same patterns year after year for 75 years and call that a life.

You are meant to love, to BE love and to experience the calling of your Soul! You have been anointed and appointed for a uniquely divine path that only YOU can fulfill...

Imagine waking up just seven days from now and feeling a shift in your Soul as you open your heart to living the life of your dreams. Close your eyes and picture it.

How would it look? How would it feel? Can you sense the incredible energy surging through your body?

Even love radiating from within you to the hearts around you and beyond! Shifting the collective consciousness on this planet...helping Humanity, the Earth and all living beings elevate their love vibration...restoring compassion, connection and unity.

Imagine yourself feeling light, vibrant, confident, and even more centered in your heart. More connected to who you truly are and to the loving force that created you!

See, I know it's difficult. Many people struggle with this.

And that's super common. In fact...

Studies have shown that individuals who have experienced past traumas and/or those who are highly sensitive or empathic carry emotional and energetic blockages are more likely to struggle with weight issues, anxiety, depression, and a sense of disconnect from their own hearts and the world around them due to suppression, overwhelm and being ungrounded...a deep need for healing the inner child and the wounded self.

Hi, my name is Nancy, and I completely understand what you are going through.

For the last 25 years, I've been helping several thousands of people from all over the world liberate themselves from past trauma, losses, self sabotaging patterns and resentments...

To live fully and deeply as their truly authentic selves! My passion is to guide you to accept, embrace and expand your truth as you fully embrace your humanity and your divinity...

And YES... Even the parts of you that you think are unlovable, shameful or weird...will no longer be rejected by you.

Knowing that you are loved, lovable and you are more than enough! Once you shift your relationship  with yourself and step into wholeness, your life heals and you can THRIVE!

What I found is that everyone,  just like you, can accomplish miracles with the right guidance...after all, you ARE a miracle already!! 

And when you heal your heart, connect with your Soul and become whole again... You have a greater impact on the lives around you, in your purpose and passion.

And I know. Right now you might be feeling...

  • ​Skeptical
  • Hesitant
  • ​Overwhelmed

I totally get it.

You have been promised similar things in the past, but...

Chances are that if you are reading this, you are still seeking a better way and your heart is open to new things...

You may think you have tried everything, but you likely haven't tried THIS...and it is FREE!!! I also believe in are here, reading this, for a reason.

You know that there's a fire within you, a desire to break free and embrace your true already have all that you need within you now! It is time to release the blocks, peel back the layers, forgive, let go and liberate the shackles of the past from your Soul...

It is time for you to be FREE and to live in the TRUTH of who you truly are!

The world needs you! You matter...your voice matters...your life matters! And I believe in you. Do not live with regrets at the end of your not die with the love and dreams within you that are longing to be expressed and expanded!

You are a miracle...your heart beats with purpose and your breath is beaming lifeforce through you from the highest Source of Love and Creation!

This is a MOVEMENT...not merely a challenge. Together, one Soul at a time...LOVE is our NEW global pandemic!!

I would love to show you the way to your inner peace!

A way without struggle.

Without needless pain...but the ability to "feel to heal".

A way to elevation of your mind, expansion of your heart and liberation of your Soul!

It's a shame that you continue suffering and feeling alone or disconnected, when there are proven methods that I will share with you.

I want to give back and  help end needless suffering, struggle and disconnection in our world and I want it to be FREE so everyone can access it!

That's exactly why I created...

 The FREE love tsunami


 The 'love tsunami'


The Love Tsunami Challenge Bundle Image (2) png

In just 7 days, I will take you from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to experiencing a shift within...the beginning of deep inner transformation.

Not something superficial.  An Inner Miracle. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world...when you shift within, everything outside of you will begin to shift as well! Inner Miracles will create Outer Miracles!!

You only need to gently open your heart and follow the process. And in less than 40 minutes a day, you will feel a deeper connection with your inner self.

Now, I want you to know that this is not a quick fix...everyone is unique and everyone has a different story, perspective and frequency...a cookie cutter approach is not my typical style.

For some, this will just be a beginning whereas others could experience a massive turn around. Healing and transformation are a process...a that is SO worth committing to!!

But I can promise you that if you fully engage in  these 7 days of the Challenge, you will even slightly open the door of curiosity and likely even feel a renewed sense of joy and fulfillment.

Let me walk you through what you will experience in the FREE Love Tsunami are part of a global movement! You are a wave of LOVE in this Tsunami!!

DAY 1:
Lovingkindness Meditation

Learn how to send positive intentions and well-wishes, foster deep connections, heal emotional wounds, and promote inner peace.

DAY 2: 
Letting Go Of Resentment

Release resentment and find inner peace, forgiveness, and freedom from past grievances to embrace a more harmonious way of being.

DAY 3:

Embrace the transformative power of compassion as you train your mind to be more empathetic and aware. Acceptance and mindfulness result.

DAY 4:
Hooponopono Meditation

Embrace the healing power of forgiveness through this legendary Hawaiian healing and cleansing method.

DAY 5:
Meditation For Self Love And Healing

Dive deep within, cultivate self-love, and nurture your inner being. Discover how to release self-criticism and embrace self-compassion.

DAY 6:
Let There Be Light Meditation

Awaken your inner light through meditation and experience deep spiritual awakening, clarity, and inner guidance.

DAY 7: Circle Of Oneness Meditation

On the last day of the Challenge, we will go through
a really powerful form of meditation.

With this short meditation, you will feel grounded and more connected with all other living beings. Unify as you heal and beam love into the world!

We are finishing the challenge with one of the most powerful ones! So,make sure you still until the end ;)

The Love Tsunami Challenge Bundle Image (2) png

You know that there's a fire within you, a desire to break free and embrace your true already have all that you need within you now!

It is time to release the blocks, peel back the layers, forgive, let go and liberate the shackles of the past from your Soul...

It is time for you to be FREE and to live in the TRUTH of who you truly are!

The world needs you! You matter...your voice matters...your life matters! And I believe in you.

Do not live with regrets at the end of your not die with the love and dreams within you that are longing to be expressed and expanded!

You are a miracle...your heart beats with purpose and your breath is beaming lifeforce through you from the highest Source of Love and Creation!

This is a MOVEMENT...not merely a challenge. Together, one Soul at a time...LOVE is our NEW global pandemic!!

I would love to show you the way to your inner peace!

A way without struggle.

Without needless pain...but the ability to "feel to heal".

A way to elevation of your mind, expansion of your heart and liberation of your Soul!

It's a shame that you continue suffering and feeling alone or disconnected, when there are proven methods that I will share with you.

I want to give back and help end needless suffering, struggle and disconnection in our world and I want it to be FREE so everyone can access it!

That's exactly why I created...

DAY 1:
Lovingkindness Meditation

Learn how to send positive intentions and well-wishes, foster deep connections, heal emotional wounds, and promote inner peace.

DAY 2: 
Letting Go Of Resentment

Release resentment and find inner peace, forgiveness, and freedom from past grievances to embrace a more harmonious way of being.

DAY 3:

Embrace the transformative power of compassion and experience profound connection, emotional healing, and a deep sense of purpose.

DAY 4:
Hooponopono Meditation

Embrace the healing power of forgiveness, release negativity, and restore harmony and inner peace to feel truly free.

DAY 5:
Meditation For Self Love And Healing

Dive deep within, cultivate self-love, and nurture your inner being. Discover how to release self-criticism and embrace self-compassion.

DAY 6:
Let There Be Light Meditation

Awaken your inner light through meditation and experience deep spiritual awakening, clarity, and inner guidance.

Circle Of Oneness Meditation

On the last day of the Challenge, we will go through
a really powerful form of meditation.

With this short meditation, you will feel grounded,
more connected, confident, and with more belief in yourself.

We are finishing the challenge with a good one,
so make sure you still until the end ;)

What Others Say About The Creators
Of The Journey You Are About To Start

Brian Tracy

World-Renowned Bestselling Author & Success Expert

"Dr. Luc and Nancy teach you how to unlock the secrets to longevity with a scientifically proven approach to preventing and reversing diseases naturally.

I highly recommend their
work, their knowlege and superior skills will transform your life!"

Nick Nanton

22X Emmy Award Winning Director, Producer & Filmmaker

"Being one of the Top Agents to Celebrity Experts around the world, I've worked with the best
of the best, and Dr. Luc and Nancy are truly world-class leaders that will help eradicate needless suffering on this planet."

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

Self-Healing Expert & Internationally Acclaimed Best-Selling Author

"I'm proud to call Dr. Luc and Nancy colleagues and especially personal friends of mine!

I highly recommend them to anybody who is sick and tired of
being sick and tired. If you are ready for change, let them guide you!"

Dr. Steven Farmer

World-Renowned Author, Healer, Shamanic & Spiritual Practitioner

"I highly recommend that you explore their products and attend their retreats!

You'll see just how
effective they can be to help you create the life of your dreams, and the levels of health you deserve!"

Dr. Bernie Siegel

International Cancer Expert, Surgeon, Bestselling Author & Profesor At Yale University

"The programs that Dr. Luc and Nancy are creating can make an eternal imprint on humanity.

It's a ray of sunshine to see young professionals who understand that healing comes from the
inside out, and not from the outside in."

Ivan Rados

World-Renowned Meditation Master & Bestselling Author

"Words cannot do justice for the gifts that Dr. Luc and Nancy have to offer humanity. They
rank amongst the best healers, authors and creators I've ever worked with. Simply being in
their presence is uplifting! Experiencing their unique healing protocols is life changing!

Gina R.

Wellness, Success & Lifestyle Coach

"I HIGHLY endorse these
teachings, I truly can't recommend it enough.…. Honestly - whatever they are offering, they are
worth it !"

Tina J.

Success & Relationship Coach

"I now feel at peace & grounded. I highly recommend it.

Dr. Luc and Nancy are the real deal, very authentic and very generous and wonderful souls."

What Others Say About The Creators
Of The Journey
You Are About To Start

Brian Tracy

World-Renowned Bestselling Author & Success Expert

"Dr. Luc and Nancy teach you how to unlock the secrets to longevity with a scientifically proven approach to preventing and reversing diseases naturally.

I highly recommend their
work, their knowlege and superior skills will transform your life!"

Nick Nanton

22X Emmy Award Winning Director, Producer & Filmmaker

"Being one of the Top Agents to Celebrity Experts around the world, I've worked with the best
of the best, and Dr. Luc and Nancy are truly world-class leaders that will help eradicate needless suffering on this planet."

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

Self-Healing Expert & Internationally Acclaimed Best-Selling Author

"I'm proud to call Dr. Luc and Nancy colleagues and especially personal friends of mine!

I highly recommend them to anybody who is sick and tired of
being sick and tired. If you are ready for change, let them guide you!"

Dr. Steven Farmer

World-Renowned Author, Healer, Shamanic & Spiritual Practitioner

"I highly recommend that you explore their products and attend their retreats!

You'll see just how
effective they can be to help you create the life of your dreams, and the levels of health you deserve!"

Dr. Bernie Siegel

International Cancer Expert, Surgeon, Bestselling Author & Profesor At Yale University

"The programs that Dr. Luc and Nancy are creating can make an eternal imprint on humanity.

It's a ray of sunshine to see young professionals who understand that healing comes from the
inside out, and not from the outside in."

Ivan Rados

World-Renowned Meditation Master & Bestselling Author

"Words cannot do justice for the gifts that Dr. Luc and Nancy have to offer humanity. They
rank amongst the best healers, authors and creators I've ever worked with. Simply being in
their presence is uplifting! Experiencing their unique healing protocols is life changing!

Gina R.

Wellness, Success & Lifestyle Coach

"I HIGHLY endorse these
teachings, I truly can't recommend it enough.…. Honestly - whatever they are offering, they are
worth it !"

Tina J.

Success & Relationship Coach

"I now feel at peace & grounded. I highly recommend it.

Dr. Luc and Nancy are the real deal, very authentic and very generous and wonderful souls."

And Let Me Help You Even More! Join Now And Get


And Let Me Help You Even More! Join Now And Get


Bonus - 7 High Vibe Healing Smoothie Recipes

Your journey to healing is not only for your mind and soul.  

That's why I want to gift you my T
op 7 Smoothie Recipes, to heal your body and raise your vibration too!! FEEL your mitochondria dancing with energy in your body!!

No need to spend  time looking for complex recipes...just add these to your daily routine and increase your energy with some amazing antioxidants! Maybe even lose some weight if you need to!

In under 5min, you will be ready to go....

Join now the FREE 'Love Tsunami' Challenge and grab this amazing bonus. For 

Bonus - 7 High Vibe Healing Smoothie Recipes

Join now the FREE 'Love Tsunami' Challenge and grab this amazing bonus. For FREE!

In under 5min, you will be ready to go....

No need to spend time looking for complex recipes...just add these to your daily routine and increase your energy with some amazing antioxidants! Maybe even lose some weight if you need to!

That's why I want to gift you my Top 7 Smoothie Recipes, to heal your body and raise your vibration too!! FEEL your mitochondria dancing with energy in your body!!

Your journey to healing is not only for your mind and soul.

In Short, This Is Everything You Get With The


The Love Tsunami Challenge Bundle Image (2) png
  • ​FREE Access To The 7 Day "Love Tsunami" Challenge!
  • FREE Transformation Of Your Well-Being And Soul!
  • FREE Liberation Of Trauma and Wounds to Step Into Your Authentic Self
  • ​Bonus - 7 High Vibe Healing Smoothie Recipes

TOTAL VALUE: Over $2199


In Short, This Is Everything You Get With The


The Love Tsunami Challenge Bundle Image (2) png
  • ​FREE Access To The 7 Day "Love Tsunami" Challenge!
  • FREE Transformation Of Your Well-Being And Soul!
  • FREE Liberation Of Trauma and Wounds to Step Into Your Authentic Self
  • ​Bonus #1 - 7 High Vibe Healing Smoothie Recipes

TOTAL VALUE: Over $2199


But You Have To Know Something

I genuinely care about your success and want to provide you with the best experience possible.

That's why I limit the number of participants to ensure that each person receives the attention they need.

Joining this life-changing program means becoming part of a close-knit community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth, healing, connection and transformation.

Spots are filling up fast as more people discover the incredible power of The Love Tsunami Challenge.

I believe in keeping our programs intimate and personal, and that's why there is such limited availability for The 'Love Tsunami' Challenge. 

Don't hesitate. Secure your spot now and embark on this transformative journey of love, healing, self-discovery and a movement to reconnect the hearts of all living beings! Act today before all the available spots are taken.

Your chance to experience The Love Tsunami Challenge is here, but it won't last forever...I am not sure how long I will keep this available;)

Well, This Is Your Last Chance

Join The FREE Challenge Now

I hear you, I see you...I feel you and I want to help you live a better life, to BE all of who you are created to be and to create unity as we heal our world and create a global LOVE movement! BE the LOVE wave you are meant to be as we flood our world with connection, compassion and miracles!

Are you ready to thrive, to connect and to impact the lives of those you love?!! You can do this with your family and friends...or anyone you think would need this!! It is time to LIVE and step into wholeness...the clock is ticking and life is a gift...don't waste any more time!

With love, virtual heart-hugs and so much gratitude to be here with you,

Your guide,

Nancy XO

But You Have To
Know Something

I genuinely care about your success and want to provide you with the best experience possible.

That's why I limit the number of participants to ensure that each person receives the attention they need.

Joining this life-changing program means becoming part of a close-knit community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth, healing, connection and transformation.

Spots are filling up fast as more people discover the incredible power of The Love Tsunami Challenge.

I believe in keeping our programs intimate and personal, and that's why there is such limited availability for The 'Love Tsunami' Challenge.

Don't hesitate. Secure your spot now and embark on this transformative journey of love, healing, self-discovery and a movement to reconnect the hearts of all living beings! Act today before all the available spots are taken.

Your chance to experience The Love Tsunami Challenge is here, but it won't last forever...I am not sure how long I will keep this available ;)

Well, This Is Your Last Chance

In just 7 days, I will take you from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to experiencing a shift within...the beginning of deep inner transformation.

Not something superficial. An Inner Miracle. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world...when you shift within, everything outside of you will begin to shift as well! Inner Miracles will create Outer Miracles!!

You only need to gently open your heart and follow the process. And in less than 40 minutes a day, you will feel a deeper connection with your inner self.

Now, I want you to know that this is not a quick fix...everyone is unique and everyone has a different story, perspective and frequency...a cookie cutter approach is not my typical style.

For some, this will just be a beginning whereas others could experience a massive turn around. Healing and transformation are a process...a that is SO worth committing to!!

But I can promise you that if you fully engage in these 7 days of the Challenge, you will even slightly open the door of curiosity and likely even feel a renewed sense of joy and fulfillment.

Let me walk you through what you will experience in the FREE Love Tsunami are part of a global movement! You are a wave of LOVE in this Tsunami!!